myHermes - don't use them!
Used them two times, fine. Third time we had some very important papers to go to a Harley Street doctor - pick up was fine, but a couple of days later she was complaining nothing had shown up. On the trace log the papers had been taken to the main depot and left there. We entered an on line chat to India, who told us it could be the following week before they were delivered, wished us a nice day and ended the call. We tried them once more this week to deliver a parcel to a kiddie. You pay up front, someone was here all day Tuesday waiting for the pick up, and again all day Wednesday, nobody showed, little boy is already upset. Another on line chat to India - told us they'd have to open an investigation. What good is that to us? I asked who was going to apologise to the little lad. I was wished a nice day again, that was at about 7.00 pm last night. Not worth the hassle. Dreadful service, they've obviously got too busy to be able to cope, and they don't give a toss when you complain. Never again.
Jacqui Murray ● 3913d3 Comments