Andrew Travers is likely to start work in April
February 27, 2025
London borough councils Richmond and Wandsworth are set to confirm the appointment of a new Interim Chief Executive next week.
Andrew Travers will be taking over as the head of the joint administration in April subject to his hiring being rubber-stamped by both councils.
He is currently working as Interim Chief Executive of Southampton City Council and previously as Chief Executive of Lambeth Council and Barnet Council as well as time spent in the private sector.
His appointment is on an interim basis as the process of recruiting a permanent chief executive continues. The previous Interim Chief Cxecutive, Brian Reilly is leaving. The leaders of both councils expressed their gratitude to him for his steady leadership during this period of transition, as well as for his long-standing service to housing and regeneration.
The last permanent chief executive, Mike Jackson announced he was stepping down last July having spent nearly two years in the role. The timing of the announcement coincided with the fallout from an error which led to a miscount in the General Election for the Putney constituency.
The salary of the new council boss has not been disclosed but permanent chief executive role was reported to have a total renumeration of £284,896 in 2021-22. Wandsworth Council’s ' pay policy statement indicates a multiple of 6.74 between the highest salary and the median.
Councillor Simon Hogg, Leader of Wandsworth Council, said, “Andrew is an experienced strategic leader, and I am pleased to welcome him to Wandsworth Council in what is an incredibly important job. It is an exciting time to be in Wandsworth and I look forward to working with him to deliver more of our residents’ top priorities and services.”
Andrew Travers said, “I am really delighted to be joining Richmond and Wandsworth councils. I look forward to working with councillors, staff, and partners and to make the most of the way these two councils have come together to transform the way we deliver services in this fantastic part of London.”
The appointment has been recommended by the councils’ cross-party Joint Staffing Committee, following a multi-stage recruitment process.
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