The consultation report is out now and it claims that 57% of people responded generally positively to the proposals.However, there were only 700 responses and only half of these came from the immediate area. This is too low a response rate to reach a firm conclusion as it wouldn't take much effort from those with a vested interest that the project proceeds to distort the results.Interestingly the majority of people who responded to the consultation did so because they were registered emailed due to having an Oyster card in the Wandsworth area. There doesn't seem to have been any other publicity for the consultation other than this which is problematic because by definition this would tend to target public transport users.There does seem to have been some concern from local residents with people from Fairfield Street, Armoury Way, Broomhill Road and St Ann’s Hill raising concerns about displaced traffic. However, there weren't many of them.What is likely to happen is when the changes start taking effect people who live on these roads and others in the area will ask why didn't anybody warn them what was going to happen.
David Parker ● 3272d