Over One Hundred New Bike Hangar Sites Proposed

Wandsworth Council consulting on planned locations

Demand for bike hangars in Wandsworth has been high

September 27, 2024

Wandsworth Council wants to hear from residents on proposals for 130 new bicycle storage hangars across the borough.

It says it has been prompted to identify these new sites following overwhelming demand from residents for more safe cycle storage. The council is asking for views on the proposed locations, and whether there are any issues with these suggestions.

Details of where the bike hangars are planned to be located are on this link.

Each hangar takes up a similar amount of space as a car parking space, but provides a secure store for up to six bicycles. The borough's current 229 hangars are already full or nearly at capacity.

Councillor Jenny Yates, Cabinet Member for Transport, said: “We’ve seen an amazing response from residents asking for more bike hangars, and this consultation is the next step in delivering what people have been asking for.

"We know they are needed, but we want to make sure we’re installing them in the right places to benefit as many residents as possible.

"These bike hangars are contributing to our overarching ambition to encourage active travel across the borough, which has also included recent commitments to safety improvements for cyclists on the Old York Road, and Putney Bridge approach.”

Earlsfield resident Sarah Fort said, “Living in London, I’ve found that space inside flats is often very limited, and storing a bike indoors can be a real challenge. Like many cyclists, I struggle to find room for my bike without it becoming a nuisance or taking up valuable living space.

“This is why having secure outdoor bike storage would make such a difference. It would not only free up space in my flat, but also give me peace of mind, knowing my bike is safe from theft or damage. It would be a huge benefit for those of us who rely on bikes as a sustainable and healthy way to get around the city.”

Following the results of the consultation, installations are set to take place from December through to early 2025.

For anyone considering taking up cycling, the council’s ‘Try Before You Bike’ rental scheme is available at just £30 per month.

The consultation is now live online, and residents are encouraged to share their views by 27 October.

The council says it welcomes further requests from residents to help plan future installations. If there is not a bike hanger being proposed in your area and you would like one, request a bike hangar on your street.



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