Council Proposing 13 New 'Quiet' Cycle Routes

Will provide links for less confident cyclists avoiding busy roads

Localised feedback being sought on the proposed routes
Localised feedback being sought on the proposed routes

August 7, 2024

Wandsworth Council is proposing to expand its network of cycle routes across the borough with 13 new ‘quiet’ routes.

Using clearly signed directions, these will primarily follow side streets and parks, avoiding busy roads.

The intention is to create easy-to-navigate, safer, and quieter routes that will encourage more people to cycle, especially those who are less confident or comfortable riding in busier urban areas.

The proposed quiet cycle routes are:

Route 1 – Tooting Common to Wandsworth Common
Route 2 – Wandsworth Common to King George’s Park
Route 3 – King George’s Park to Wimbledon Common
Route 4 – Barnes Common to Wandsworth Town
Route 5 – Sternhold Avenue to Drewstead Road (Tooting Common)
Route 6 – Bellevue Road to John Archer Way (Wandsworth Common)
Route 7 – Clapham Common to Wandsworth Common
Route 8 – Putney Heath to Wimbledon Park
Route 9 – Putney Heath to Putney Embankment
Route 10 – Earlsfield Station to Burntwood Lane
Route 11 – Clarence Lane to Putney stations (Roehampton northern route)
Route 12 - Danebury Avenue to Putney stations (Roehampton central route)
Route 13 – Bessborough Road to Putney stations (Roehampton southern route)

A consultation into the plans began this Tuesday (6 August) and residents are being encouraged to respond directly with localised feedback.

Work to introduce the proposed routes could involve upgrading surfaces and providing cycle-friendly traffic calming at junctions. The council says that for the routes in parks and commons, in particular, any changes would reflect and respect the surroundings.

Jenny Yates, Wandsworth’s Cabinet Member for Transport, said, “These proposed quiet cycle routes will provide safer and lower-traffic options for cycling, which will help make Wandsworth a more attractive and accessible place to cycle.

“We really welcome feedback on this consultation and encourage residents across the borough to have their say.”

Any implementation of the routes would be subject to detailed design and further consultation.

You can view the proposed routes in full and have your say on this link.

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