'Urgent Improvement Necessary' for Taste of Himalayas and Soawn Soan
Image of Taste of Himalayas: Google Streetview
Both Soawn Soan in Wandsworth High Street and Taste of Himalayas in Merton Road have been given a zero rating by Wandsworth Council's food hygiene inspectors.
A score of 0 from Scores on the Doors means that urgent improvement is necessary.
Scores on the Doors' Food Hygiene Rating Scheme allows the public to see the results of food hygiene inspections as a rating from 0 to 5. A zero rating means that urgent improvement is necessary, while a 5 indicates standards are very good. Rating certificates and window stickers are sent out to businesses after assessment.
Soawn Soan is a restaurant/cafe at 131 Wandsworth High Street and is ranked as 'poor' ' for both 'Food Hygiene and Safety' (which covers how food is handled and stored) and 'Structural Compliance' (which includes general cleanliness of buildings). The shop scored a 'little' for 'Confidence in Management'. Confidence in Management indicates how a business manages and records what it does to make sure food is safe.
Image of Soawn Soan: Google Streetview
Taste of Himalayas, which is a takeaway and sandwich shop at 165 Merton Road, ranked as 'bad' for both 'Food Hygiene and Safety' and 'Structural Compliance', and scored a 'No' for 'Confidence in Management'.
Scores on the Doors collates information on local food hygiene ratings according to the Food Standards Agency codes of practice and provided by local authorities. Wandsworth Council inspects 2200 premises in Wandsworth each year to ensure that food sold to the public is safe to consume.
November 16, 2017