Local MP Appointed Shadow Disabilities Minister

Marsha de Cordova won the Battersea seat in this year's General Election

Local MP Appointed Shadow Disabilities Minister

Newly elected MP for Battersea Marsha de Cordova has been appointed Shadow Minister for Disabilities.

Ms de Cordova said, “It’s an honour to be appointed to this role, an area I have dedicated my professional life to but also deeply personal to me. I want to use my position to make sure we have a proper and fair social security system for disabled people, that we reduce the employment gap, and that we make sure Brexit is not used as an excuse to roll back the rights of disabled people.”

The Labour MP has taken on the role after MP Marie Rimmer decided to step down.

The Battersea politician, who won her seat in this year's general election, suffers from nystagmus - a condition that causes the involuntary movement of the eye - and is registered blind. She has worked in the disability charity sector for over 10 years, working for Action for Blind People, setting up and serving as the Chief Executive Officer for South East London Vision, and until recently was the Director of Engagement and Advocacy at Thomas Pocklington Trust.

Ms de Cordova is a Lambeth borough councillor as well as a disability rights campaigner.

In the June 2017 General Election he increased her party's share of the votes by 9% on the 2015 election results.

She is the Engagement and Advocacy Director at the charity Thomas Pocklington Trust and was CEO of South East London Vision (SELVis). Ms de Cordova has also worked in a variety of managerial positions within the Action For Blind People organisation.


October 10, 2017