Controversial Development Near Wandsworth Common Blocked

Scheme to build a four storey block with 72 flats refused by Council

Jaggard Way. Picture: Google Streetview

November 29, 2019

Plans for 72 new flats on the edge of Wandsworth Common have been rejected by Wandsworth Council amid concerns about reduced lighting for neighbouring properties and loss of business space on site.

The outline planning application for Jaggard Way sought to demolish the existing industrial site and replace it with a new development comprising 72 flats and 1,957sqm of office and commercial space.

The application had previously been refused for being too tall, at six storeys high, and out of keeping with the area.

The new application reduced the height to four storeys but councillors were still concerned about the building’s appearance and other issues with lighting, local businesses and affordability.

There were 261 objections to the plans to the first consultation in 2018 and another 52 letters of objection after consultation on a new daylight sunlight report produced in October.

Councillor Sarah McDermott spoke against the application on behalf of her constituents in Nightingale ward.

She said, “The development is not good enough, it lacks affordable housing, it lacks sufficiently viable replacement light industrial units amongst many other concerns.

“The whole application process has actually been a bit of a shambles and has taken several years.”

She added: “The current businesses are thriving and very much locally needed, but the applicant hasn’t done enough to ensure this remains the case. It seems as though re-provision of commercial space is very much secondary to the profit margin of flats.”

Councillor McDermott also highlighted issues with daylight and sunlight assessments for local residents on Ravenslea Road, and rejected the developer’s claim that the site was in an “urban area.”

The Wandsworth, Battersea and Balham Societies all objected to the proposals on similar grounds.

Commenting on the application on the planning portal, local residents Steve and Sarah Webb said, “This unnecessary development is being driven by an out of area landlord and developer no doubt seeking to monetize their holdings and maximize their profit from this sought-after area with no regard to the needs of the local community.”

Cheshire West and Chester Council is the listed applicant for the development. It has been contacted for comment.

The application suggests it could provide a maximum of 15 ‘affordable’ units under shared-ownership. This did not achieve the minimum 33 per cent affordable housing or mix of affordable tenures stated in the housing policy.
Likewise, the proposal suggested 27 one bed units, well above the development management’s guidelines.

The report stated “the applicant has advised that there is a market identified lack of smaller homes in this particular location; although no evidence has been provided to substantiate this claim.”

Nevertheless, officers recommended councillors to approve the application, with early and late stage review mechanisms that would ensure the council would receive payments in lieu of affordable housing, to use to provide affordable rented housing on other sites.

But councillors were persuaded by the issues with sunlight for neighbouring properties and loss of commercial space on site and rejected the application, with two abstentions.

Sian Bayley, Local Democracy reporter