Usually the green space is only open for pitch bookings
Following requests from people living in the area, the Council has decided to open up Fishponds playing fields for a trial period over the summer.
Normally the playing fields, which are bordered by Fishponds Road, Hebdon Road and Broadwater Road, are only accessible to sports clubs that have made a pitch booking.
However in order to make better use of this green amenity, the Council has decided that whenever there is a pitch booking, and a member of staff is on site, the playing fields can also be used by all other local residents as a neighbourhood park.
These arrangements will come into effect on Monday April 24 and continue until Sunday September 3.
People can check when the playing fields will be open for their use throughout the summer months by visiting where details of pitch bookings/opening times will be published.
The gates to the playing fields will remain locked at all other times to prevent the space being affected by anti-social behaviour. People are also being advised that dogs are not permitted on the playing fields at any time.
A letter has been delivered to properties that back on to the playing fields, outlining the trial arrangements and providing contact details for them to report any problems or issues that arise.
A review of these arrangements will be held in the autumn. The impact on surrounding homes, levels of anti-social behaviour and ensuring that the sports pitches are protected from damage will determine whether or not the initiative continues next year.
Residents can submit comments on the trial scheme by emailing
April 19, 2017