Brocklebank Medical Centre to Be Redeveloped

Scheme part of a wider programme of regeneration along Garratt Lane

Brocklebank Medical Centre

A new medical centre and housing is to be built in Earlsfield after agreement was reached to replace the existing Brocklebank medical centre with a bigger, GP-led community healthcare facility.

Under the terms of the agreement with the NHS Wandsworth Council will arrange for the new medical centre and a pharmacy to be built on Garratt Lane as part of a wider scheme providing new shops and housing on land at the corner of Swaffield Road and Garratt Lane, which is currently occupied by the existing 1960’s Brocklebank building, shops and a car park.

The agreement puts in place the latest piece of the jigsaw in a wider investment scheme in this part of the borough. It has already seen the replacement of vacant council-owned buildings with a new 420 pupil primary school – Floreat Academy – plus a nursery for 50 local children and new homes fronting Oakshaw Road.

This next phase will add another 160 homes on council-owned ‘brownfield’ sites fronting Atheldene Road, Wilna Road and Waverton Road. This land is currently occupied by a number of 1950s and 60s council-owned buildings and the Council say their replacement with homes will not only help revitalise the area, but also improve the visual amenity of these streets by restoring parts of the historic street pattern.

Council leader Ravi Govindia said: “This represents another key element in our plans to revitalise and improve this part of Garratt Lane.

“There has already been substantial investment here with the addition of a brand new primary school, nursery and housing. We are now ready to build on these achievements by providing a new state-of-the-art health centre, better shops and more homes.”

The council expects to appoint a preferred developer this summer and for a planning application to be submitted in early 2017 with work starting on site later in the year.

Other parts of Garratt Lane, further north towards Wandsworth High Street, are also undergoing major transformation. The redesign of the Southside shopping centre and its recent opening of new shop frontages in Garratt Lane has improved the town centre, while moving the housing department’s offices to Putney Bridge Road means its now vacant 1960s tower block can be part of a major new regeneration scheme in partnership with South Thames College.

This will provide 200 new homes, a library, new shops and teaching facilities for the college by replacing three high rise buildings on adjacent sites fronting Garratt Lane and Wandsworth High Street.

A new state-of-the-art library will open out onto a new public square with seating and a play space for under fives, while new pedestrian routes will provide better links between the Old Burial Ground, Garratt Lane and the high street. Further investment will see the installation of public art, landscaping and seating in the burial ground.

A quarter of the 200 new homes (25 per cent) are to be offered to eligible local residents to rent or buy at a discounted rate.

Other landmark regeneration schemes in the town centre include the Wandsworth Business Village, Ram Brewery site, Lyon House and The Filaments in Buckhold Road.

Transport for London is also drawing up proposals to redesign the Wandsworth one way system which will remove through traffic from the high street.

Cllr Govindia added: “Our joint project with the college will see the replacement of some ageing office blocks with attractive and modern new buildings providing new homes, including many affordable units, plus retail space, improved educational facilities, a new public square and a brand new library.

“These town centre schemes represent one of the biggest regeneration projects in London with well over £1bn of new investment flowing through the area. Hundreds of new jobs and homes are being created here alongside major improvements to the local environment.”

February 3, 2016