A Council partnership with the Community Sports Foundation
The council has launched a brand-new after-school paralympic sports club for children with disabilities.
The club, run in partnership with the Community Sports Foundation and supported by Aiming High, will run at Linden Lodge school in Southfields on Tuesdays during term time and will be completely free.
Children will get the chance to get active and learn new skills with a range of inclusive and adapted sports, including boccia, kurling, seated volleyball, indoor athletics, skittles and polybat (pictured).
Cabinet member for environment and culture, Cllr Jonathan Cook, said: "We're running this scheme in partnership with the Community Sports Foundation and Aiming High in order to make sure all our young residents have the chance to enjoy sport.
He continued:
"We run sporting activities for disabled people of all ages, and visitors to our website can access a directory of disability sport opportunities. For us Sport for All isn't just a phrase, but something we aim to make a reality."
June 20, 2011