Join the University College London for a focus group
UCL would like to invite you for a group discussion to talk about the future of energy production and the role of local groups in participating in these issues. The group of researchers at UCL are looking into what people think about future energy needs and production in the UK. They are especially interested in finding out about energy-related opinions held by members of local community groups. Thus, they are bringing together small groups of people like you to talk about energy.
This would be a focus group that would last about two hours and we would pay you £20 towards your travel, and donate £40 to your organisation. Food and refreshments would also be provided. The session would be at UCL, Gower Street, WC1 on May 15th 2012, starting at 6pm and end by 8pm.
The group itself would consist of eight to ten other people, who, like yourself are involved in environmental groups in London. Expertise on energy issues is not required. Most of the time that you are there, you'll be talking among yourselves in a group discussion led by an UCL academic.
The session will be tape recorded so that there is a good sense of what people said. That tape, and anything said is completely confidential. The research project is covered by UCL code of ethics and their first priority is to protect your privacy.
For planning purposes we would appreciate a brief answer by phone (020 7679 2094) or E-Mail (
April 26, 2012