Two Dolphins Found Dead on Bank of River Thames

One had been spotted swimming between Hammersmith and Putney Bridges

The dolphin swimming near Wandsworth Park last Thursday. Picture: BBC

August 6, 2024

A dolphin, believed to be the one seen swimming between Putney and Hammersmith Bridges last Thursday (1 August), has been found dead this Monday.

The body was discovered on the bank of the river close to the Chelsea Harbour Pier.

Named as Jo Jo by riverside observers, it is believed it came from the same pod as another dolphin that was discovered dead around the same time at the riverside at Greenwich. A pod had been spotted near Canary Wharf earlier last week.

Mary Tester, Thames area coordinator for British Divers Marine Life Rescue (BDMLR), told BBC London, "Normally when we have seen dolphins in the past they have been around Greenwich or Canary Wharf, so for them to be spotted this far up the river is quite odd and so many sightings in quick succession - that has never happened before."

Although ‘Jo Jo’ had delighted observers from the river, Ms Tester had cautioned last week that the prospects of survival were not good. No dolphin is believed to have ever come this far up river and successfully navigated back to open water.

Autopsies will be held on both creatures to see if a cause of death could be determined.

It is unclear why there appears to be an increase in sightings of dolphin further up stream on the Thames. One theory is that improved water quality may be leading to an increase in the fish varieties that the dolphins feed on. Also increased noise in and around the river could be affecting the dolphin’s echo-location.

A Port of London Authority spokesperson said: "We are aware of a dolphin that sadly died. We are working with the Cetaceans Stranding Investigation Programme to recover the animal."

The BDLMR is asking rowers and boaters on the river not to follow dolphins if they see them.

The BDLMR rescue hotline (01825 765546) to report possible dolphin sightings is available 24 hours a day

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