Historic Sign in Southfields Restored to Original Glory

United Service Transport mosaic is nearly 100 years old

Dr Nicola Stacey, Director of the Heritage of London Trust at the sign's unveiling. Picture: Heritage of London Trust

July 12, 2024

An historic, century-old sign in Southfields from the earliest days of commercial coach travel has been restored to its original glory. Built around 1929, the former United Service Transport Company (UST) building’s frontage on Merton Road was adorned with a 13 metre long, green and gold mosaic bearing the company’s name. Very few of these historic mosaic signs now survive, this being the only remaining UST one.

The UST was established as a bicycle business in 1883 and evolved into one of the first passenger transport companies in Britain. Coach trips from London went daily to newly popular leisure destinations like Margate, Ramsgate and Brighton on their familiar ‘United Green’ coaches, and to race meetings at Windsor, Goodwood and Newbury.

The Southfields Grid Residents’ Association (SGRA) became concerned about the poor state of the sign recently. It worked with the Heritage of London Trust, who funded and managed its repair with donations from local firms and two residents.

Specialist repair company London Stone Conservation had to repair the wall behind the mosaic, piece back individual yellow and green glass mosaic pieces, even having to source replacement tile pieces from Italy.

The official rededication of the sign took place on Tuesday 2 July, with many who’d been involved in the project in attendance. SGRA member and local transport enthusiast Clive Williams, who had supplied the project with rare archive about the UST, rang a bell to declare the sign officially restored.

“We’re thrilled to see this fantastic piece of transport and social history restored, all the more important as its two sister signs have already been destroyed” said Dr Nicola Stacey, Director of the Heritage of London Trust. “It represents the pride and excitement of early coach travel, and it’s been wonderful to have had so much local support from Southfields.”

Chair of the Southfields Grid Residents’ Association, Charles Runcie added, “History is not just big buildings and famous statues. It’s about those public objects, signs and landmarks that are a delight to see, helping jog residents’ memories of times past. We’re delighted one such example was identified by Clive, restored to its original condition, and will delight future generations in Southfields.”

Local primary school groups visited the site to see the experts at work, learning about mosaic craftwork, all part of the ‘Proud Places’ programme. This is a London-wide youth engagement project enabling young people to explore their local heritage sites and learn new skills.


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