Cancer Pop Up Shop Needs You

Volunteers required to staff the shop for three week

Cancer is a leading cause of early death in Wandsworth. That’s why Wandsworth Council's public health department is inviting you to Get to Know Cancer in its pop up shop opening in Southside Shopping Centre in January for three weeks.

We would like to recruit a number of volunteers from across Wandsworth to help us staff the shop, to help raise awareness of the importance of early diagnosis of cancer and talk informally about cancer with people who visit the shop.

The shop was a huge success last year and a large part of this was down to the team of local volunteers who were specially trained to talk about cancer. This year we want to make sure the shop is even more of a success and would like to give more residents the opportunity to get involved.

FREE training is available. You will need to be able to attend a one-day training course on January 15.

December 22, 2014