Justine Greening Putney MP updates Putney

Postal Services, Local Policing issues and more......

Hello everyone,

I’ve discovered that life is never dull as an MP, but Parliament was especially busy this week as we had the Queen’s Speech on Tuesday, essentially setting out the government’s agenda for Parliament over the coming months.  There are some controversial bills including proposals about extending detention without charge and the EU Treaty, so Parliament will have much to discuss over the coming months.  Locally, I’ve been involved in a wide range of issues, so read on for more of an update.

Postal Services

After my recent article about the state of our postal service following the ending of the postal strike, I was inundated by residents telling me their service was also not close to being back to normal, and residents in Southfields also had similar problems.  I have now had a formal response from Adam Crozier about the steps being taken to resolve issues locally and more post is now coming through.  However, do continue to keep me informed if your postal service is not back to normal, and I will keep pressing the Royal Mail until all issues are resolved.

Local Policing – Police Numbers

I met with Borough Commander, Chief Superintendent Stewart Low a couple of times over the past fortnight.  The first was to discuss our local policing issues and my concerns over the level of resourcing for our police locally.  In spite of all the cash we’ve paid every year to the Mayor, locally we’re still down on the actual number of uniformed police officers compared with a decade ago – in spite of population increases.  Even in terms of the officer numbers the Met Police had planned for Wandsworth Borough to have right now, we’re 24 officers below that.  Its time for a Mayoral refund I think – at least we could then invest the money locally in crime prevention and support our police that way. 

Local Policing – Police Stations

The second time I met with CS Low was at a Met Police meeting to discuss plans for changes to how police stations will be run.  Obviously, making sure that people can easily report crime is vital – Putney Police Office is only able to be opened part time because of resource shortages.  Once I know what the plans are for our area, there will be a consultation and I’ll make sure that as residents we know what is being proposed and can have our say.

Other Meetings

Following the viscious attack on a local man and his dog by two other dogs, I got together the man attacked, local investigating police, council officers and we discussed what can be done locally and nationally to deal with the issue and following up this particular case.  Locally I very much hope prosecutions will be brought against the owners of the dogs.  Nationally this is an issue I had already followed up with Ministers some months ago because of my concerns and on the Animal Welfare Bill committee I was on.  The government’s been reviewing the legislation since February so I will be pressing them to reach a conclusion on that urgently.

I also met with Regenerate a charity based on the Alton estate that helps young people, and with Sue Rimmer, the principal of South Thames College to discuss further education issues.

So, that’s some of what I’ve been involved in and if you need my help as your MP you can email me on greeningj@parliament.uk, write to me at the House of Commons, SW1A 0AA, or come and see me at one of my weekly MP surgeries by calling 0208 944 0378.  I’ll do my best to help.

Best Wishes,



November 9, 2007