I have read your post with some interest and an increase in my blood pressure, Mr Ahmad, which I'm sure was your aim. "There is no place for a non-Muslim child or teacher in a Muslim school". I'm sure many, many Christians in what is actually a Christian country feel that they agree, as probably do thousands of Jews and Catholics, that all religions would be best served by their little ones being educated by their standards of behaviour, demanded by their religion, to best to serve their God.I also agree with and like your thoughts that school should be viewed as community, that's a good value to have … certainly when I was a child I regarded it as a happy place to go and that those teaching me and learning with me were part of my extended family. You are correct, a community is held together by common values and principles, that is the start of such, but a close, growing community is also held together, and finds renewed strength, in tolerance, communication, learning, sharing of ideas, understanding and kindness to one another, which you do not appear to be promoting.I'm sorry to hear that "… all minority groups find British schooling is the home of institutional racism and British teachers are chicken racist.". I find those comments totally offensive, and I think you should be thoroughly ashamed of yourself for generalising and insulting to such a degree. From the good things you have told us you have done, which seem admirable, I would have thought these nasty verbalisations and tactics were beneath you, but evidently, and sadly, not. I'm sure that if anyone else were to decide that absolutely all Muslim teachers were chicken racist and post that here or anywhere else, you would take great offence, as indeed I have done by your rudeness … and no, I'm not a teacher, but it is highly objectionable to me that you should be taking it upon yourself to dictate what the faults of all non-Muslims are, as though Muslims have none. If such horrible worries do really exist in the Muslim community, Muslim children could always be taught at home as many other children are."British society must learn to respect and tolerate those who are different … The British society and Establishment must learn to respect and accommodate others …".You use the word "must" quite a lot. Could you please outline what British Muslims "must" do in order to be happier within the environment in this country which you seem so unhappy about. "This is RACISM because British society is the home of institutional racism.". Yet more insults - they're not designed to enamour you to people, you know, none of us, including yourself I am sure, is beyond judgement. "British culture and customs will undoubtedly change as it has for millennium due to immigration. I am not quite sure why Brits would be worried about that.". Well if British folks shouldn't be worried about change in culture and customs, why are you? I perhaps do not have Mr Parker's grasp of all matters you have raised, his post being one which I found eloquent and knowledgeable and which I applaud, so mine is a more emotional response to what certainly comes across as an attack upon anyone who is non-Muslim, but as you yourself are quite evidently highly emotional, I am sure you will forgive me for that."Muslim community does not want to integrate with the British society …" - pardon me for asking, but have you actually been elected the leader of all Muslims in this country? I would have difficulty believing that feeling were true of all Muslims.Not all people are bad, Mr Ahmad. Some have difficulties, some lose their way, some are nasty evil people, that cannot be denied, but I truly do not believe any one of those traits is helped by those people being brow-beaten, bullied and brain-washed. We are not all bad, there are billions of good, decent, honourable, God-fearing and law-abiding non-Muslims sharing the planet with you, and they do not have to be clones of you or reach the height of your teachings to be decent people in the eyes of their Lord or their fellow man. Our God made us all different.As a side issue, a Muslim neighbour attempted to attack me in my own home, the reason being that I would not obey a command he issued to me via another. You surely don't advocate men ordering around women they do not know, and beating and kicking their property door, trying to break it down and screaming death threats if the woman, a stranger of another race and religion, does not obey? Or do you …? He later beat his wife senseless but her screams had prompted a neighbour to call the police, and he had to be removed in handcuffs. Is that truly a good Muslim man upholding the standards of decent behaviour you are promoting teaching children, which you are implying non-Muslims do not have? I personally assisted in the issue of another Muslim male here beating his wife and terrorising his children, one of whom, begging for help of another Muslim family, had the doors locked in his face by them and was left shut out and alone. This British (actually I prefer English, but I am old fashioned), Christian took time out of her life and stood up in a courtroom for that battered woman to protect her from his abuse, whilst other Muslims denied her or her children any sanctity or help whatsoever. She's a Muslim, and I would still go out of my way for her because she is a kind, good, devoted mother and religious woman whom I admire and respect. She has manners, decency, a good heart and she is open to both discussing her beliefs and also listening to those of others; whether she accepts them or not, she can debate, and that means that her views do not come across as ranting and fanatical (as some people's do), but refined, educated and worth hearing, absorbing and thinking about. She offers the same respect to others. Have you ever done anything to protect a non-Muslim? Do you regard any to be a friend you can trust?If not, sir, then I would respectfully suggest that you are missing out on one of the most wondrous gifts that we all, as humans, have been blessed with.
Jacqui Murray ● 3975d