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Save 90% on your lighting bills just by switching your bulbs/fittings to LED’s

LED (light emitting diode) light bulbs have been around for quite a few years now, but it has only been recently that this technology has been used to create regular household light bulbs. The technology behind LED lights is developing at a rapid rate and this means that they are cheaper than they used to be and can now be found for as little as £4.There are three types of energy-saving light bulb: compact fluorescent lamps (CFLs - the most common type of light bulb), halogens and LEDs.LEDs tend to be the most expensive, but they do have benefits over the other types.  The main benefits to using LED bulbs are: • LEDs use 90% less energy than incandescent bulbs and can last for up to 25years (dependent on use) which is a much greater life span than your traditional household bulb.• LEDs give out their light quickly at start-up which means that you no longer have to put up with a few moments of dim light when you flick the light switch.• LED lights don't contain the harmful chemical mercury making them far safer than other more traditional forms of lighting.• Some LED bulbs use only 5 watts compared to the 50 watts that incandescent bulbs use, and it would take 50 incandescent light bulbs to equal the life span of 1 LED bulb.• LED lights emit 90% less heat than a conventional light bulb, this means that they produce more light than heat which is why they are able to provide maximum energy efficiency.LED lights are now designed to mimic traditional bulbs and LED bulbs that are described as “soft white” or “warm white” now produce a light that is very similar to incandescent bulbs and are perfectly suitable for household lighting.Switching your bulbs to LED’s does not just ease the demands on your wallet, it also benefits Mother Nature.  You may be sick of hearing about environmental benefits, but reducing your energy consumption has beneficial repercussions for the environment.  Because LED’s use much less energy than standard household bulbs, you are able to reduce your carbon footprint as well as saving yourself money in the long run.

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