I think a lot of people have been insulted and outraged by Iffeys posting and like me have tried to engage in DEBATE with him.I would like to point out that it is very likely we are wasting our time trying to enter into any kind of dialogue with him.If you examine his web site you will find that all his postings look like they have been cut and pasted from there.So what may look like a reply from him, is purely a well worn paragraph or two that has likely been posted to countless other web sites.This man Knows his ideas will not stand the test of intelligent debate, so dare not enter into one.We are better off talking about him between ourselves, rather than to him.I don't believe he even reads the replies to his rantings.He is like a spoiled child who will not listen to reason cos that would mean he would have to give up on his unreasonable demands and he won't do that.. EVER... like most Muslims he MUST have his own way.
Carol Ann Jupp ● 6350d3 Comments