Start Upholstery Now
I am writing to let you know about a new initiative in Wandworth. If you are heading to SouthSide Shopping Centre you will notice that the old Debenhams department store has opened up to a project, Rainbow Rising. Inside you will find a number of new initiatives including charities, social enterprises and educational projects like us along with other community groups who are working hard to bring the heart back into the centre of Wandsworth.
In partnership with Oasis (a recognised charity in SW London supporting people living with HIV) and South Thames College we are proud to announce a FREE project for young unemployed adults looking to train in upholstery and to pick up a start up a business qualification. It's called 'Start Upholstery' and you can find out more details by emailing
Its not too late to join the 25 week programme which is FREE if you are a UK resident and currently unemployed. The course takes place every Tuesday from 9.30am to 3.30pm and is located within the old Debenhams building in SouthSide Shopping Centre.
Please get in touch to find out more.
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