“Do you know any older person who might benefit from a free respite break?
We thought you might be interested to know that in October we are running a free respite break to Eastbourne for older people, with a coach picking up from the Wandsworth area. This break will last 5 days (27th – 31st October) and we will be staying at the Mansion Lions Hotel, by the sea.Our respite breaks are a great opportunity for lonely or isolated older people to spend 5 days in a relaxing and sociable holiday environment where we will put on activities, day trips and workshops throughout the week. You are more likely to be offered a place if you are over 65 and living on a low income.We will pay the costs of our guests food, accommodation, coach travel and entertainment throughout the week. For more information and to apply please go to bit.ly/respitebreaks, call 020 7828 0200 or email Sophie.hutchings@nbfa.org.uk.”
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