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Subject: Extremism Islamic extremism and Washington’s extremism is not really that different in their goals of domination. I am more concerned about being shot by a cop in my own house than being shot or blown up by a Muslim also. None of 7/7 bombers and British Muslim youths who are in Syria and Iraq are the product of Muslim schools. They are the product of British schooling which is the home of institutional racism  with chicken racist native teachers. It is absurd to believe that Muslim schools, Imams and Masajid teach Muslim children anti-Semitic, homophobic and anti-western views. It is dangerously deceptive and misleading to address text books and discuss them out of their historical, cultural and linguistic context. It is not wrong to teach children that Jews are committing the same cruelty in Palestine what German did to them before or during Second World War. It is not wrong to teach children that anti-social behaviour, drinking, drugs, homosexuality, sex before marriage, teenage pregnancies and abortions are western values and Islam is against all such sins. This does not mean that Muslim schools teach children to hate westerners, Jews and homosexuals. The West has never been at ease with Islam since the Crusades. It is unfortunate that huge oil supplies lie under the Arabian Deserts. It is the West that stirred the trouble that led to 9/11. That attack was a desperate act of by men prepared to lose their life. We need to get to grips on who is the terrorist? On 24 November 1963, Lyndon Johnson said, “the battle against communism… must be joined… with strength and determination. Some three million lives were lost in the consequential battles. The US had to pull out due to Public Opinion. Communism lived on. So who was the terrorist? Peoples all over the world are condemning the two attacks by Muslims and fail to condemn tens of attacks on Muslim areas by American forces using drones, etc. Tens of Muslims are being killed in Palestine and other places. Muslims' right to exist has been negated. It needs to be restored to it's original position.Right now the war is on. If you cannot fight at least do not condemn those who are fighting for the cause of Allah. Remember that your words are recorded in your books of account and you might have to read it with fright in your heart on the day of Judgement. In a war mistakes can happen - like a bomb exploded in public where women and children are also present, etc. But the enemy is doing the same. The British establishment is wrong in thinking that Imams are to blame for extremism. Imams are not solution to the problem for extremism. Extremism is nothing to do with Imams. Extremism is not created from abroad, it is coming from within. Britain fails to help Muslim communities feel part of British society. Race trouble is being predicted by the Daily Express, because of an ethnic boom in UK major cities. Muslim communities need imams for the solutions of their needs and demands in their own native languages. Muslim parents would like to see their children well versed in Standard English and to go for higher studies and research to serve humanity. The fact is that majority of Muslim children leave schools with low grades because monolingual teachers are not capable to teach Standard English to bilingual Muslim children. A Muslim is a citizen of this tiny global village. He/she does not want to become notoriously monolingual Brit.Terrorism and sexual grooming is nothing to do with Masajid, Imams and Muslim schools. Those Muslim youths who have been involved in terrorism and sexual grooming are the product of western education system which makes a man stupid, selfish and corrupt. They find themselves cut off from their cultural heritage, literature and poetry. They suffer from identity crises and I blame British schooling.Only less than 10% of Muslim children go to Muslim schools and over 90% go to state schools to be mis-educated AND DE-EDUCATED BY STATE SCHOOLS WITH NON-Muslim TEACHERS. All those Muslim youths who are in Syria and Iraq, are the product of state schools where they could not develop their linguistic, cultural Identities. They find themselves cut off from their cultural heritage and are unable to enjoy the beauty of their literature and poetry. It is an educational issue. It is nothing to do with integration or segregation. The shocking level of targeting of the Muslim community of Birmingham is indicative of the normalisation of the dehumanisation of the Muslims of Britain. Under the pretext of "extremism", criminal undemocratic and unethical abuse of public institutions and the Muslims of the UK can occur without much accountability. This pervasive attitude, especially amongst officials like Michael Gove needs to change. Our schools are truly trying to develop our children to do well at schools so later in life they are able to stand on their own two feet, but if we stop our schools from doing this than our country will have up rise of unemployment, benefit issues, crime levels high, I think its time for you apologize and allow practitioners to do their job right. Muslim children not only need halal meat or Eid Holidays but they need state funded Muslim schools with Muslim teachers as role models during their development period also. There are hundreds of state primary and secondary schools where Muslim pupils are in majority. In my opinion all such schools may be opted out to become Muslim Academies. This means the Muslim children will get a decent education. Muslim schools turned out balanced citizens, more tolerant of others and less likely to succumb to criminality or extremism. Muslim schools give young people confidence in who they are and an understanding of Islamic teaching of tolerance and respect which prepares them for a positive and fulfilling role in society. Muslim schools are attractive to Muslim parents because they have better discipline and teaching Islamic values. Children like discipline, structure and boundaries. Bilingual Muslim children need Bilingual Muslim teachers as role models during their developmental periods, who understand their needs and demands. There is no place for a non-Muslim child or a teacher in a Muslim school. Legally, the state has an obligation to respect the rights of parents to ensure that 'education and teaching(of their children) is in conformity with their own religious and philosophical convictions.' The schools must satisfy the spiritual, moral, social, and cultural needs of Muslim pupils. State schools with non-Muslim monolingual teachers are not in a position to satisfy their needs. A good school is not just a knowledge factory or a conveyor belt for churning out exam passes - it is a community, a family. A community is held together by common values and principles.IALondon School of Islamics Trust

Iftikhar Ahmad ● 3915d10 Comments

I think you do not understand the process of education because you are just a subject teacher.I guess it very much depends on what the new Secretary of State means by 'education'. If it something like Fords production line, then maybe a bolt here and a washer there might make some difference in the end. But,this is the sort of 'filling a bucket' view of schooling, rather than the 'feeding the flame' view of education as a whole. "We`ve bought into the idea that education is about training and "success" , defined monetarily, rather than learning to think critically and to challenge. We should not forget that the true purpose of education is to make minds, not careers". (Chris Hodges).Regarding Britain as a liberal and tolerant nation, let me remind him of 1857,when they butchered the Indians in their own country and practically slaughtered the whole Mughal family. Has he forgotten Jalianwalla Bagh massacre or appointment of Mountbatten as the viceroy who created a situation at the time of partition which resulted in death of thousand of Indians on both sides. How about Balfour declaration and creation of Zionist Israel, which is the main cause of blood bath in ME and creation of these artificial countries. The Suez crisis of 1956. To top all these the rise of Enoch Powell and Paki bashing in 60's. Even now the wounded tiger shows his dirty claws and causes mischief every now and then.No one has any problem when: Jews keep beards and wear their traditional caps Christian priests and nuns wear their religious outfits Buddhist monks wear orange robes Sikhs keep beards and wear turbans Indian aunties wear Sarees (cross streets and hang out in Wal-Mart) Yeah but if any Muslim male keeps beard or if any Muslim girl wears hijab then everyone has problem. It's Freedom when you go naked but it's extremism when you wear hijab - just plain hypocrisy! Looking at the case of France, a major secular nation, I believe it is also not allowing women freedom by not letting her to wear her choice of clothing as it supposedly "clashes with French secular values".IA

Iftikhar Ahmad ● 3900d

Let the Muslim children develop their Islamic, cultural and linguistic identities before they are exposed to the wider society.Muslim children not only need halal meat or Eid Holidays but they need state funded Muslim schools with Muslim teachers as role models during their development period also. There are hundreds of state primary and secondary schools where Muslim pupils are in majority. In my opinion all such schools may be opted out to become Muslim Academies. This means the Muslim children will get a decent education. Muslim schools turned out balanced citizens, more tolerant of others and less likely to succumb to criminality or extremism. Muslim schools give young people confidence in who they are and an understanding of Islamic teaching of tolerance and respect which prepares them for a positive and fulfilling role in society. Muslim schools are attractive to Muslim parents because they have better discipline and teaching Islamic values. Children like discipline, structure and boundaries. Bilingual Muslim children need Bilingual Muslim teachers as role models during their developmental periods, who understand their needs and demands. There is no place for a non-Muslim child or a teacher in a Muslim school. Legally, the state has an obligation to respect the rights of parents to ensure that 'education and teaching(of their children) is in conformity with their own religious and philosophical convictions.' The schools must satisfy the spiritual, moral, social, and cultural needs of Muslim pupils. State schools with non-Muslim monolingual teachers are not in a position to satisfy their needs. A good school is not just a knowledge factory or a conveyor belt for churning out exam passes - it is a community, a family. A community is held together by common values and principles.Indiscipline, incivility, binge drinking, drug addiction, gun and knife crimes, teenage pregnancies and abortion are part and parcel of British schooling. These are the reasons why majority of Muslim parents would like to send their children to Muslim schools with Muslim teachers as role models during their developmental periods. Only less than 10% attend Muslim schools and more than 90% keep on attending state and church schools to be mis-educated and de-educated by non-Muslim monolingual teachers. British schooling and the British society is the home of institutional racism. The result is that Muslim children are unable to develop self-confidence and self-esteem, therefore, majority of them leaves schools with low grades. Racism is deeply rooted in British society. British schools are not doing enough to tackle racism and promote race relations. Many teachers are unaware of racist attitudes amongst pupils. Schools have a responsibility not only to deal with racist incidents but also to prepare pupils for life in a multicultural and multiracial society. At least one racist incident is reported daily in Bolton schools, according to stats obtained from Bolton Council by Manchurian Matters. Bolton Council of Mosques Manager, Ibrahim Kala, said the data is only the “tip of the iceberg” and that Islamophobia makes up a large portion of the reported incidents. Stats obtained through the Freedom of Information request show 2,397 cases of racism in Bolton schools in the years from 2004 to 2013, meaning on average there are 1.26 racist incidents occur daily – and these are only the ones being reported.The funny thing is that Park View could just set themselves up as a faith school, and continue all of these practices, and nobody would bat an eye. Everything described in this report is fairly common at faith schools up and down the country, including Muslim, Catholic, and Orthodox Jewish schools. If you are really concerned about the influence of 'radical' views in schools, then you should be opposed to all faith schools. But, that's not the view of this government. They have enthusiastically supported faith schools.IA

Iftikhar Ahmad ● 3900d

Who started the First World War? Muslims? Who started the second World War? Muslims? Who Killed about 20 millions of Aborigines in Australia? Muslims? Who Threw Nuclear bombs on Hiroshima and Nagasaki? Muslims? Who Killed more than 100 millions of Red Indians in North America? Muslims? Who killed more than 50 millions of Red Indians in South America? Muslims? Who took about 180 millions of African people as slaves and killed 88% of them and threw in Atlantic oceans? Muslims? No! They were not Muslims. 1st of all you have to define terrorism properly... If a non-Muslim does something bad, it is a crime.... But if a Muslim does same he is a terrorist??? Remove this double standard then come to the point!!! a Birmingham school [...] was branded inadequate by Ofsted inspectors for doing "too little to keep students safe from the risks associated with extremist views""Just what are the risks that Ofsted judged to be so great that the school has been deemed inadequate, I wonder? Whilst the 'risk of extremism' is indeed a part of the current framework, it's a murky area, much less easy to quantify and judge than the quality of teaching...and we already know how much HMCI has had to say about the quality of inspectors' judgements on that allegedly more straightforward aspect! If inspectors can't agree on what good teaching looks like - something they must surely encounter in every school - how can they evaluate the 'risk of extremism' which must feature in a relative handful? Further evidence, if any were needed, that the inspection framework, as applied by a cadre of inspectors of variable quality, is no longer fit for purpose.Extremism starts with the NATO clandestine services and the IMF and world of banking. War is profit nothing more. Don't send your kids to die for their bank accounts! Traditional British value = racism. NO, Traditional English value = racism. Tories should know there is a diversity in your state! Asian, middle east, other European must be respected the way they are. The way to stop extremism is to stop invading other ppls countries and supporting US foreign policy, simple as DaveThousands of Iraqis dead in Iraq. Thousands of Afghans dead in Afghanistan. Drone Attacks in Yemen and Pakistan, hundreds dead. Maybe that's a clue perhaps? who did all that ? nahhhhhh, its got nothing do with the UK Colonial foreign ? Wake up Pal, get a grip, get some reality in ya. Muslim countries (civilians and troops) are the biggest victims of terrorists. I think people should bare that in mind. After Blair and Iraq the swap is so enormous we couldn't possibly drain it. There's only one way to deal with extremists, through dialogue. Let me see how things have faired so far, using military intervention - fail. Economic sanctioning against countries who are perceived as threats - fail. Using draconian terror laws - fail. Putting people into prisons without trail or court and thus trying to put fear into a community - fail. May and Gove can talk till the sun dies the only way they will change extremists is by changing the cause of extremism which isn't religion but You try invading their lands and stealing their wealth, see if they still meet your definition of 'peaceful'! But lets not look at the actions of the West and longer term plans for the Muslim world, especially the Mid East, that have been put into action since 9/11, an event the thorough investigation of which was blocked by none other than G.W Bush...why do you think that was? Or is your mind so conditioned with hate that you choose to only look at 'evidence' that supports your view of Muslims & Islam!perverse foreign policy which is being cited time and time again but ignored time and time again.If they really wanted to tackle extremism, which they don't, they would stop interfering militarily in Islamic countries, like arming and training extremists to fight in Syria. They would also stop the Islamic fundamentalist gulf states like Saudi Arabia from building and running mosques in Britain, where they are promoting their extremist Wahhabi brand of nonsense. However, they don't want to tackle extremism because it divides the country. If we are arguing amongst ourselves about Islamic extremism, then we're not arguing about how shit the government is and we're not talking about important things such as climate change. Because it doesn't matter what's going on in the world, floods, monsoons, tornadoes, fukushima etc just put a story about some girl getting executed for apostasy or a Nigerian extremist group kidnapping school girls, in their echo chamber newspapers, with F-all context behind it and suddenly all the EDL types come out the woodwork, were arguing about Islam and nobody cares about any of that other important stuff.

Iftikhar Ahmad ● 3914d

Like many of your posts you undermine the presence of some arguments worth considering in them with nonsense like 'chicken racist native teachers.'Even in the small number of Muslim academies that do exist in this country the staff roll has to be filled with non-Muslim teachers because there are not a sufficient number of people of your faith qualified. The Muslim schools that do exist have done well academically but they are run by people who employ good teachers first rather than those of the right faith.You have a broader problem as well that there simply isn't the infrastructure to support the schools you are demanding. The Anglican Church has run schools for centuries and has a bureaucracy and institutional expertise that makes them good at it. Even if the very diverse Muslim community could agree on the constitution of a body to run the schools there are unlikely to be people available with the right expertise.The attempts to set up private Muslim Schools in this country have generally been an unmitigated disaster because of the poor quality of the teachers and the lack of experienced executive staff.Despite the above I am very much in favour of giving people broad freedoms to educate their children in the way they think best. The Jewish, Sikh and Hindu communities have been very successful in setting up schools for their children. There have been some examples in the Muslim community although not many here in London and certainly well below what you would expect given the size of the Muslim population. If the argument for these schools is being made typically in the manner you make it - as an offensively phrased demand - it is not surprising that so few projects have got off the ground because not just the broader community but your fellow Muslims are going to have a negative view of your aspirations.

David Parker ● 3914d